The fine dust produced by woodworking machinery can cause respiratory problems. Protecting your lungs should be a major priority. Dust collector systems help to reduce the amount of dust in your workshop. Which shop dust collector is best? Here we share advice on buying dust collector systems for woodworking.
If you’re just using small power tools, like sanders or wood saws, then a portable or moveable dust collector will work. But for the big machines you’ll need to upgrade to a good shop dust collection system.
A single stage shop dust collection system brings the dust and chips directly into the filter bag. If your machines are localized in a smaller area, you don’t need to run long lengths of hose, and you’re on a tighter budget, then a single stage dust collector will suffice for you.
A two stage shop dust collection system (often marketed as “Cyclone”) first passes the big chips over a can, where the majority of the sawdust falls, before it sends the finer particles to the filter. Two stage dust collectors are more efficient, usually more powerful, have finer micron filters, and are more expensive. If you have to run flexible hoses between power tools, then a two stage dust collector is best for you. If you’ve got extra money and want a more protective dust collector, and one that is easier to empty, then buy a two stage dust collector.
Another helpful dust collector to your workshop is a remote-controlled hanging air filtration system. Workshop air filters will suck in the dust that didn’t get caught by your dust extractor. You can turn on the air filter while using machinery, while sanding, or while sweeping, and let it run for however long you want, until the timer shuts it off. There are some good filter systems for quite good prices. Just look at the specs on each air filter to make sure you get one that’s big enough for your workshop.
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Post time: Nov-21-2022