Power Tool News

  • Buying a Dust Collector for Woodworking from Allwin Power Tools

    Buying a Dust Collector for Woodworking from Allwin Power Tools

    The fine dust produced by woodworking machinery can cause respiratory problems. Protecting your lungs should be a major priority. Dust collector systems help to reduce the amount of dust in your workshop. Which shop dust collector is best? Here we share advice on buying ...
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  • How to Choose a Dust Collector from Allwin Power Tools

    How to Choose a Dust Collector from Allwin Power Tools

    Allwin has portable, moveable, two stages and central cyclone dust collectors. To choose the right dust collector for your shop, you'll need to consider the air volume requirements of the tools in your shop and also the amount of static pressure your dust collector will ...
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  • How to Sharpen your tools by sharpeners from ALLWIN Power Tools

    How to Sharpen your tools by sharpeners from ALLWIN Power Tools

    If you have scissors, knives, axe, gouge, etc, you can sharpen them with electric sharpeners from ALLWIN Power Tools. Sharpening your tools helps you to get better cuts and save money. Let’s look at the steps of sharpening. St...
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  • What Is a Table Saw?

    What Is a Table Saw?

    A table saw generally features a fairly large table, then a large and circular saw blade protrudes out from the bottom of this table. This saw blade is quite large, and it spins at incredibly high speeds. The point of a table saw is to saw apart pieces of wood. Wood is l...
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  • Drill Press Introduction

    Drill Press Introduction

    For any machinist or hobbyist manufacturer, getting the right tool is the most important part of any job. With so many choices, it’s hard to pick the right one without the proper research. Today we will give an introduction of drill presses from ALLWIN Power Tools. What ...
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  • Table Saw From ALLWIN Power Tools

    Table Saw From ALLWIN Power Tools

    The heart of most woodworking shops is a table saw. Of all the tools, the table saws provide tons of versatility. Sliding table saws, also known as European table saws are industrial saws. The advantage of them is they can cut full sheets of plywood with extended table. ...
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  • Allwin BS0902 9-INCH BAND SAW 

    Allwin BS0902 9-INCH BAND SAW 

    There are only a few pieces to assemble on the Allwin BS0902 band saw, but they are critical, in particular the blade and the table. The saw’s two-door cabinet opens up without tools. Inside the cabinet are two aluminum wheels and ball-bearing supports. You’ll need to lower the lever on the back...
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  • Allwin variable speed vertical spindle moulder

    Allwin variable speed vertical spindle moulder

    Allwin VSM-50 vertical spindle moulder requires assembly and you will need to be sure you take time for proper setup to know the various features and functions. The manual was easy to understand with simple instructions and figures explaining various elements of the assembly. The table is sturdy...
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  • Allwin new-designed 13-inch thickness planer

    Allwin new-designed 13-inch thickness planer

    Lately, our product experience center has been working on quite a few woodworking projects, each of these pieces requires the use of various hardwoods. The Allwin 13-inch thickness planer is fairly easy to use. We ran several different species of hardwoods, the planer worked remarkably well and ...
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  • Band Saw vs Scroll Saw Comparison - Scroll Saw

    Band Saw vs Scroll Saw Comparison - Scroll Saw

    Both the band saw and scroll saw look similar in shape and operate on similar working principle. However, they are used for different types of jobs, one is popular among sculpturesand pattern makers whiles the other is for carpenters. The main difference between a scroll saw vs band saw is that t...
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  • Why choose ALLWIN 18″ Scroll Saw ?

    Why choose ALLWIN 18″ Scroll Saw ?

    Whether you’re a professional woodworker or just a hobbyist with some time to spare, you’ve probably noticed something about the woodworking field – it is filled with many different types of power saws. In woodworking, scroll saws are generally used for cutting a variety of very intri...
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  • Gorgeous and Fine Cutting Saw - Scroll saw

    Gorgeous and Fine Cutting Saw - Scroll saw

    There are two common saws on the market today, Scroll Saw and Jigsaw. On the surface, both types of saws do similar things. And while both are decidedly different in design, each type can do much of what the other can do.Today we introduce to you Allwin scroll saw. This is a device that cuts orna...
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