Allwin Belt sanders
Versatile and powerful, belt sanders are often combined with disc sanders for shaping and finishing wood and other materials.
Belt sanders are sometimes mounted on a work bench, in which case they are called Allwin bench sanders.
Belt sanders can have a very aggressive action on wood and are normally used only for the beginning stages of the sanding
process, or used to rapidly remove material. Belt sanders can vary in size from the small work piece to wood that wide enough.
Sanding wood produces a large amount of sawdust, so belt sanders employed in woodworking are usually equipped with Allwin
dust collectors.Belt sanders are easy to use, and quickly provide a finishing touch to materials. When used properly, they can
provide shape and smooth surfaces with minimal effort. When using a belt sander, it is important to hold the device straight,
avoid tilts, and use minimal pressure.
Allwin Disc sanders
Disc sanders are generally benchtop machines, they are often combined with belt sanders for fine-tuned finishes, smoothing end
grain, straight cuts, miter cuts, sanding curved edges, sanding curves or bevels and any kind of shaping.
Disc sanders are ideal for small projects, it is better used for small and simple woodworking projects. Most of disc sanders have a
support table with a miter slot. The purpose of the miter slot is to ensure that an angled or straight end grain work is achieved by
sliding a jig or miter gauge through the miter slot to help support the wood. After using Allwin sander your work piece will be well
polished and smooth giving it a stunning and appealing look for the final product.
Allwin oscillating spindle sanders
Oscillating spindle sanders are extremely popular with woodworkers requiring a sanded finish on outside or inside curves, and are
generally benchtop machines. They use a series of differently-sized drums to sand workpieces, and are great for making guitars,
cutting boards, and other projects - especially ones with inside (concave) curves. While spinning, the drums move up and
down (hence the name "oscillating") using a series of belts and pulleys.
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if you are interested belt sander, disc sander or combined belt disc sander from Allwin Power Tools.

Post time: Feb-10-2023